THE FORT WORTH MAGICIANS CLUB meets at 7:00 P.M. on the first Thursday of each month at 4055 International Plaza, Fort Worth Texas.
The Fort Worth Magicians Club is a 501(c)(6) organization, separate from but affiliated as an official Ring of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. Guests of members are welcome to attend our monthly meetings and may become eligible for membership. [Logo by FWMC member Luis Daniel]
The Fort Worth Magicians Club meets at 7:00 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month at 4055 International Plaza, Fort Worth, Texas 76109.
NOTE: The site is a six-story silver office building. Park on the west side. We meet in the training room on the ground floor. It is located at the end of the long corridor and then to the right.
The Fort Worth Magicians Club does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members and their guests.
Persons with a viable interest in the art of MAGIC may seek membership in The Fort Worth Magicians Club by filling out this application form and submitting it along with the proper dues to the club’s Secretary. Please print clearly and please understand that incomplete or illegible applications will be rejected. Cash, checks, and money orders made payable to The Fort Worth Magicians Club are acceptable.
Note that submitting an application and dues does not automatically grant membership status. All applications must be signed and recommended by at least two Active Members of the club who are in good standing. The two sponsors are responsible for the presentation of the applicant’s Qualification Demonstration of his or her interest in magic at a monthly meeting to be designated by the Executive Committee.
After an applicant does his Qualification Demonstration, the club will vote on the applicant’s membership and pending that approval, the applicant will be given his name badge and receive full club member status.
The signature of the applicant for membership shall be a pledge of his/her agreement to support the Constitution and Bylaws of this organization and any amendments made hereafter. In the event that membership is denied, monies paid will be returned.
Please make a second copy of this application if a receipt is needed.
Date of Application: _______________ Signature: _____________________________
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Birthdate: _____________ Spouse’s Name (if any): ____________________________
E-Mail Address: ________________________________________________________
Phone: (Home) ___________________________ (Office) _______________________
Send Flashpaper Newsletter via (check only one please): ___ Website ___ US Mail
Mailing Address: Street or PO B ox: ______________________________________
City: __________________________ State: _______ Zip: _______
Type of Membership Requested (check one only):
(___) ACTIVE- A person eighteen years of age or older, proven active in magic, and who has been accepted by the Club.
Active Members may vote, hold office, serve on committees, and enjoy all of the activities of the Club.
Dues are $25 per year.
(___) ASSOCIATE - A spouse or professional assistant of an Active Member, and who is eighteen years of age or older.
Associate Members do not vote or hold office, but may serve on committees and enjoy all the activities of the Club.
Dues are $25 per year.
(___) JUNIOR - A person fourteen years old or older, and under eighteen years of age. Upon reaching eighteen years of age,
Junior Members automatically become Active Members provided they are dues paid members in good standing.
Junior Members do not vote, hold office, or serve on committees, but do enjoy all the activities of the Club.
Dues are $25 per year.
(___) ASSOCIATE JUNIOR - A person under the age of 14 who is screened for approval by the Executive Committee prior
to being granted membership. He must be accompanied at Club functions by a legal parent or guardian who themselves
must be an Active, Associate, or Honorary Life member of the Club. Upon reaching the age of 14, Associate Junior Members
automatically become Junior Members provided they are dues paid members in good standing. Associate Junior Members
do not vote, hold office, or serve on committees, but do enjoy all the activities of the Club.
Dues are $25 per year.
Signature of Active Member Sponsor #1: ___________________________________________________
Signature of Active Member Sponsor #2: ___________________________________________________
Print out and return with your dues to the Fort Worth Magicians Club Trustee Geoff Grimes, 223 Hanna Avenue, DeSoto, TX 75115.
Click the button below to pay your $25.00 dues through a direct PayPal link.